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These People Are Having Really Bad Days. Oh, Boy… I Thought Mine Was Bad.

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If you're having a bad day, there's little you can do to fix it. If the terrible time you're having isn't as awful as what you see below, though, perhaps it's time to stop complaining. After all, you weren't just rammed by a particularly fierce sheep. These people are having such bad days, they have seemingly gone out of their way to make your day seem like a total success by comparison. Really, they're that bad. 1.) Oh, public transportation. themanimal 2.) Beware of sheep. Whogivesafuckaboutmyname 3.) GeronimOUCH. Whogivesafuckaboutmyname var OX_ads = OX_ads || []; OX_ads.push({ 'auid':537104098, 'slot_id': 'slot537104098_5418a94870884' });...

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