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27 Sea Creatures That Are So Cute, You'll Second Guess Your Next Plate Of Sushi.

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When we think about cuddly critters, our minds tend to drift more toward fluffy, four-legged friends than scaly sea creatures. As it turns out, there's tons of underwater cuties just waiting to melt our hearts and make us go "awww!" I wonder what size aquarium I'd need to take these guys home with me... These leaping lovelies. Giphy This itty bitty bambino. Giphy This shy stud muffin. Giphy var OX_ads = OX_ads || []; OX_ads.push({ 'auid':537104098, 'slot_id': 'slot537104098_54374cc149817' }); This teensy weensy wittle guy. Pinterest This confused cutie. Imgur This majestic strong swimmer. Tumblr This delightful doofus. Discover Magazine var...

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