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How Much Would You Shell Out For A House Like This? Pun Completely Intended.

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This traditional Chinese house on the secluded Lingshan Island (off the eastern coast of China) recently had an interesting makeover. Owner Xiao Yongsheng initially wanted to renovate it using modern designers and architects. However, Yongsheng was put off by the high cost of the construction due to the location. What he did instead is pretty amazing. Instead of hiring contractors, Yongsheng started collecting shells from the beach. Chengdu Over the next two years, Yongsheng managed to cover the entire house with seashells. Chengdu var OX_ads = OX_ads || []; OX_ads.push({ 'auid':537104098, 'slot_id': 'slot537104098_543474d342d0e' }); Here's how Yongsheng describes his project:...

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