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These Places Made Lounging Into Beautiful Art. I Want To Go To There...NOW.

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Being able to sit, lounge and nap during free time is one of the greatest things we can enjoy. It's a simple respite from everyday life that everyone needs. These architects and designers who have perfected the art of resting on your bum. And I need to sit in all of these. Immediately. 1.) A pirate's dinner booth. libdobeachresort 2.) The above-water living room. starwoodhotels 3.) On a boat through Colmar, France. trippiece 4.) Dine in the trees like the Ewoks. sixsenses 5.) European car-boats. photosbook var OX_ads = OX_ads || []; OX_ads.push({ 'auid':537104098, 'slot_id': 'slot537104098_5432e43296395' }); 6.) The reading...

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