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Here Are 10 Completely Stupid Selfies That Got People Arrested. #4 Really Deserved It.

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In this digital age, many people are obsessed with documenting almost everything they do. Meals, concerts, social gatherings and even aspects of parenting are photographed and uploaded to social media. In most cases, this information overload is an annoyance, but sometimes it can actually be a life saver.

Before, after and while committing crimes, these stupid criminals decided to take selfies. Those ridiculous selfies would be their undoing.

1.) Before robbing a restaurant of $400, these Swedish girls took a selfie. They were later tracked down at one of their grandmother's house. 2.) A girl named Kayleigh Hill ran out onto a baseball field during the 2013 College World Series. She took a selfie of the guards tackling her. 3.) A man stole an iPad and then took a selfie with it. The owner saw the picture on their iCloud and was able to track him down. 4.) Justin Bahler, a 21 year-old, posted these pictures of himself with a gun on Facebook. Authorities matched the images up with security camera footage from a robbery and arrested him. 5.) Adam Howe accidentally left his phone at a church he robbed. This selfie was on it. He was later identified. 6.) Jess Ewald stole an iPhone and took a selfie with it. Police were able to access the selfie via iCloud and post his picture online in order to find him. 7.) This teen made it past security at a World Trader Center building and took this selfie. He was fined and the security guard was fired. 8.) Tyquan Solomon and Terrance Sistruck took selfies with a stolen iPhone. They owner was able to access the photos, leading to their arrest. 9.) La Vorne Lee Bennett robbed a man of his iPhone and money at gunpoint... and then later took this selfie that got him arrested. 10.) Ashley Keast was robbing a couple's home when he took a picture of himself with their phone. He accidentally sent the picture to their contacts. One of their friends called the police.

(H/T Business Insider)

It’s bad enough that they decided to rob someone, but it’s even worse that they were arrogant enough to think that they wouldn’t get caught after uploading pictures of themselves with the stolen items.

At least they got what’s coming to them. It’s pretty clear that most of these people deserved it. Share their stupid criminal selfies by clicking below.

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