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A Blind Dog That Just Got His Sight Back Sees His Family For The First Time. The Reaction Is Amazing.

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Duffy is an Irish Terrier who has battled a bevy of health issues–including one, diabetes, that even made him lose his sight. Luckily for Duffy, he was rescued by a loving family that could provide him with the care he needs. After medication helped stabilize his diabetes, the precious pup became eligible to undergo a sight-saving eye surgery. Benjamin May, one of the dog’s owners, was there to record Duffy’s reaction upon seeing his family again.

Spoiler Alert:


Enjoy all of the sights and sounds of a happy dog seeing his family again with this video.

I’m not crying, I’m just allergic to heart-warming dog videos. I swear!

As uplifting of a moment as this is for us humans, one can only imagine how terrifying it must be for squirrels. Sorry, my little nut-hoarding friends, but Duffy is back and better than ever! Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Share this post with family and friends. If they’re not dog lovers now, they might become one!

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