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The Video This 10 Year Old Girl Posted Online Shocked Everyone. But The Result Is Amazing.

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Without a cellphone signal, land-line phone, or anyone anywhere nearby, 10-year-old Brianna Vance was faced with an extremely scary situation. Her father and two of his friends were trapped under a tree that fell onto the Vance family’s porch during a severe storm. Luckily for Gregory Vance and his buddies, Brianna was safe inside the West Virginia house, trying to find aid with a level of poise that would be impressive for someone even five times her age. In the face of a crisis, Brianna did the only thing she could: log on to Facebook and ask for help.

In a video post, she asked anyone who was able to do so to call 911 and send help immediately.

With little time to spare and Brianna still looking for help online, rescue crews arrived, ready to save the day. Someone had seen her post!

Thanks to the Internet, Brianna Vance was able to save the life of her father and his friends. If that alone wasn’t a good enough Father’s Day gift, she also sent him this message, “I love u dad I am so happy you r home.”

You can probably guess where she posted it.

(H/T ABC News, BuzzFeed)

Share this and show everyone that the Internet isn’t just a place to watch cat videos, but a life-saving place to watch cat videos.

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