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This May Be The Most Insane Piece Of Machinery Ever Made. Seriously, WOW.

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Ships are supposed to float above the water. Right? Well not this one. It spends all of its time just below the water on purpose. Doing a job that we never expected. Because who knew you’d need something like this… until you do.


A heavy-lift ship is a vessel designed to move very large loads that cannot be handled by normal ships. This is the Blue Marlin, a semi-submerging vessels capable of lifting another ship out of the water and transporting it. Like the USS Cole. 04 - A6kjWfU Or, say, a dozen other transport ships. Or this Oil Rig Or this one. This is the SBX-1. The Sea-Based X-Band Radar, which is a floating, self-propelled, mobile active electronically scanned array radar station designed to operate in high winds and heavy seas. It is part of the U.S. Defense Department Ballistic Missile Defense System. And it's huge! These are drilling rigs with a gridwork of iron below them creating a giant footprint to stabilize the weight. They jack up out of the water with those large legs. And here's three of them.

This thing is like the Tonka truck of our childhood. The one toy that can do all of the coolest stuff. I mean… it moved a satellite to Hawaii from the West Coast? For real.

Source: Imgur via Reddit

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