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12 Absolutely Terrifying Creatures That Actually Live In The Ocean.

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The ocean, like with many beautiful things, is hiding something much more troubling deep down below the surface. The following terrifying creatures live in much deeper waters than what you’d be scuba diving in, but you never know what might come up during a vacation. Check them out!

1. Goblin Shark - That elongated snout isn’t just for looks, it’s used as a sensory tool that can detect electric fields produced by other animals. 2. Zombie Worms - Also known as boneworms, zombie worms bore into the bones of dead whales. 3. Dragonfish - These little guys (most only grow to about 6 inches long) have a special organ called a photophore that allows them to produce light and let their prey come to them. 4. Anglerfish - The fish that goes fishing. Anglerfish use the growth sprouting from their heads as a lure to draw in other fish. Take a look at those teeth and you can probably guess what happens next. 5. Coffinfish - You won’t want to hold this species of sea toad with your hands. Those spines will make warts the least of your worries. 6. Fangtooth - These have the biggest teeth of any fish in the ocean (proportionate to body size). 7. Basking Shark - The second-largest fish in the world, basking sharks use their might to feed on tiny plankton. Pick on something your own size! 8. Sloane’s Viperfish - At roughly 11 inches long, their teeth are more than half of its length. 9. Megamouth Shark - Though smaller than its fellow planktivore the basking shark, the megamouth shark clearly has the superior name. 10. Giant Isopod - These can grow to be 15x the size of regular isopods, which you’d probably also be afraid of. 11. Stonefish - As if anything would bother a fish with a mug like that, stonefish have poisonous spines that stick up when threatened. 12. Hatchetfish - Their terrifying eyes point upward so they can spot any leftover fish food that might be falling from above.

(via FACTS.FM)

If you think those are scary, you should see my bank account after our trip to the Bahamas. Not that you’d care. My future was never that big of a concern for you, was it? Have fun being married to that coffinfish lookalike of a diving instructor, CHELSEA!

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