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Here Are 15 Creative Ways To Reuse Plastic Bottles. I’ll Drink To That!

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If you still think recycling is boring, maybe you should think about taking that bad attitude and turning it into something cool. You probably won’t be able to make an ottoman out of it, but anything else would be a complete upgrade. There’s no longer any room in this world for people who hate on converting garbage into usable material–that space is now occupied by dangling fish decorations and awesome plastic peacocks. It gets more useful from there, trust us.

1. Ottoman 2. Piggy Bank 3. Bird Feeder 4. Napkin Holder 5. Shoe Organizer 6. Candy Canes 7. Cookie Package 8. Cups 9. Light Fixture 10. Mobile 11. Lamp 12. Fish Decoration 13. Planters 14. Wind Harps 15. Peacock

(H/T woohome)

Now if only we could figure out a way to get cars to run on people’s creativity. The planet would be saved!

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