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How Do You Live A Happier Life? Start With Changing These Ways Of Thinking. #10 Is A Big One.

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Inspirational writer and speaker Luminita Saviuc is on a mission. She wants to empower her readers to live an easier, happier life. On her blog, Purpose Fairy, she imparts her daily positive and powerful wisdom.

One topic that she is particularly passionate about is giving up on destructive ways of thinking. These are ways of thinking that come natural to a lot of people, but cause more stress and suffering than they’re worth. Here are 10 of the big ones.

1.) The need for control. Always needing to feel in control of everything happening is a sure fire way to double or even triple your stress load. Be willing to give up control of the things happening around you (i.e. situations, events, people, etc.) Just let them be. You'll be amazed how much better you feel. 2.) Stop the self-defeating inner monologue. Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy. How many people out there in the world are holding themselves back from their dreams because they keep telling themselves they’re not good enough? Just because your brain is saying it, doesn't mean it’s true. That goes double for negative stuff. Get out there and do it! 3.) You can't always be right. Even though it’s just oh so satisfying, the truth is it’s literally impossible to be right all the time. Is it worth being right if the result is a huge blow up fight with a friend or loved one? If you're feeling the urge to fight over who’s right or wrong try asking yourself: “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?” 4.) Who's to blame, how about yourself? There’s no need to play the blame game with your life. At the end of the day, the only person to blame for your life is you. 5.) Impress others for the right reasons. Trying to impress other people by being someone or something you’re not is it’s own form of punishment. The only way to be happy is to be true and honest to yourself. Be you for the sake of you. You'd be surprised how many people are impressed by that. 6.) Stop resisting change. Change is inevitable. You can try all you want to prevent it, but it will still happen one way or another. So why stress about something you have no control over? Not only is change inevitable, but it’s also good. How else are you going to achieve your dreams? 7.) Don’t worry about labels. When you stop labeling things you don’t understand as weird, strange, or awkward you increase your awareness of the world around you. Open minds are the best kind of minds. 8.) Stop it with the excuses. You’re not going to need them any more. Stop lying to yourself and making up excuses for why you can’t do this or that, and just go out and do it. So many people get stuck because of the excuses they tell themselves. Here’s a little secret: 99.99999% of those excuses are lies, they're not real. 9.) No more fear. Fear is just a construct in your mind. It’s not actually real. How can something that’s not real stop you from living the life you want? 10.) Give up limiting beliefs. No more limiting beliefs. If you believe you’re going to be unhappy, poor, and stuck in that dead end job for the rest of your life, guess what? That’s exactly what’s going to happen to you. Believe you will succeed and achieve the things you want, and you’ll do it. I know it sounds hokey, but it’s almost crazy how effective it is.

H/T: LifeBuzz

The moral of the story is that to live a happier life you just need to get out of your own way and take action to make things happen. Share these tips with others by clicking below.

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